Electrical PTs

The scheduled PTs are also listed on the EPTIS website.
For each PT proposed, the relative ID is reported.


EPTIS ID: 699139
Tektronix DMM4040 multimeter, DCV up to 1000 V, DCI up to 10 A, Resistence DC up to 100 MΩ

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Meatest M143 multifunction calibrator, DCV up to 1000 V, DCI up to 20 A, Resistence DC up to 100 MΩ

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EPTIS ID: 882510
Current clamp with display for low currents AC / DC UNI-T UT211B, DCI range 6000 mA, ACI 600 mA 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 400 Hz, 6000 mA 50 Hz

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EPTIS ID: 882534
current clamp transducer  Hioki CT9667-02, 500 A (1 mV AC/A) 50 Hz , 5000 A (0.1 mV AC/A) 50 Hz

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EPTIS ID: 882516
Current clamp with display ASITA DURA PA610 , DCI range 60 A, 600 A, 1000 A, ACI range 60 A  50 Hz, 100 Hz and 400 Hz , range 600 A and 1000 A @ 50 Hz

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EPTIS ID: 699146
Digital Tektronix DMM4040, ACV up to 900 V from 50 Hz up to 100 kHz, ACI up to 9 A from 20 Hz up to 5 kHz

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EPTIS ID: 703492
Calibrator Beamex MC2-TE, thermocouple S and T type and RTD simulation and measurement

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