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Fault loop impedance with high current meter

EPTIS ID: 882556
PT scheme / program name: Electrical calibration
PT item type: Electrical safety
Sample / item: Loop impedance meter
Model / type: Thytronic Impmeter2
Reference Laboratory: ISO IEC 17025 accreditated laboratory or NMI

Measurement points and Reference Laboratory CMC:

Value CMC
80 mΩ 3.0 mΩ
100 mΩ 3.0 mΩ
130 mΩ 3.0 mΩ
0.20 Ω 15 mΩ
 0.90 Ω 19 mΩ
5.0 Ω 44 mΩ
9.0 Ω 68 mΩ
19 Ω 0.13 Ω

Note: Indications regarding organizational methods, presentation and sending of results will be reported in the PT participation protocol

Scheduled start date for PT: every year in September

Payment: bank transfer

For further information

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